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Ride the Wave with QEP

沙巴体育官网 Quality Enhancement Plan - Ride the Wave to Success

Welcome to Lamar State College Port Arthur's Quality Enhancement Plan: Empowering Faculty to Empower Students.

The goal of the QEP is to improve students' course completion, retention, and graduation rates. There are three prongs to this goal:

  1. Developing Effective Teaching Practices
  2. Improving Student Academic Resilience
  3. Maximizing Student Supports

The Logic Models below provide more detail on the strategies we will be using to meet these goals:

  1. Logic Model 1: Activity Set 1: Comprehensive Faculty Development PDF
  2. Logic Model 2: Activity Set 2: Enhandement of Academic Resilience Among Students PDF
  3. Logic Model 3: Activity Set 3: Maximized Student Supports PDF